Saurian Wikia
Saurian Wikia

"Laurels were the most widespread and diverse group of flowering plants in the Late Cretaceous, their leaf shapes are equally diverse. With their giant size and complex lobed shapes, the stout shrub Bisonia was among the most intricate of all."

― Saurian encylopedia

Bisonia niemii was likely a small member of the Laurales order, possibly being included in the Lauraceae family. It was a tall broadleaf plant, around the height of a grown man at its maximum, very common in the Hell Creek Formation. The type specimen of this plant was found close to a Tyrannosaurus fossil.

In Saurian[]

This species of plant is temporarily removed from the game in its current stage, due to the plant overhaul not being complete.

Bisonia niemii

Bisonia niemii leaf shape.

Bisonia niemii

Bisonia niemii as it appears in Saurian: A Field Guide to Hell Creek.

Bisonia 01

Bisonia niemii leaf variation

Bisonia New

New Bisonia niemii model
