Saurian Wikia
Saurian Wikia

"Body fossils of true ferns are not common in Hell Creek, but their presence is heavily stated by the fossils of their pollen. Relatives of modern chain ferns (Blechnaceae) are a notable component of the ground flora in forested areas."

― Saurian encylopedia

Blechnaceae, is a family of ferns from the suborder Aspleniineae. Many genera are known from this subfamily, being the most famous the Blechnum, also known as hard fern, that belongs to the Blechnoidiae subfamily, and the species that tentatively represents the group in Hell Creek. However, crown blechnoideans only evolved during the Paleogene, after the K-Pg extinction event, implying the representatives of that group in Hell Creek are likely basal blechnaceans, sister to blechnoideans and stenochlaenoideans.

In Saurian[]

Blechnaceans are an edible plant for Triceratops.


Blechnum sp.


Blechnum growing alongside Humulus and Sequoia, as a Denversaurus and a Pectinodon pass by.


Updated models of Blechnaceae alongside Cannabaceae indet., Humulus, Equisetum, Symplocarpus, Gleicheniaceae and other herbaceous plants.
