Saurian Wikia
Saurian Wikia

"Denversaurus represents the last surviving member of a family called the Nodosauridae. Nodosaurids lack the tail-club that is iconic to the larger Ankylosaurus. Regardless, Denversaurus is still heavily armored. It's body is covered in bony osteoderms including a pair of large, forward-facing spines on its shoulders. Denversaurus possesses a surprisingly powerful sense of smell, almost on par with that of Tyrannosaurus. This is used to seek out the herbivore's favoured food items, compensating for its relatively poor sight and hearing."

Saurian encyclopedia

Denversaurus is a genus of herbivorous nodosaurid ankylosaur dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous (late Maastrichtian) of western North America. Although once treated as a junior synonym of Edmontonia by some workers, subsequent research indicates that it is a distinct nodosaurid genus.

In 2010, Gregory S. Paul estimated the length of Denversaurus at six meters (19.7 feet), and its weight at three tons (6,000 lbs).

Bakker considered Denversaurus distinct from Edmontonia and in having a skull wide at the rear, with a more rearward position of the eye sockets. The holotype skull has a length of 496 millimetres and a rear width of 346 millimetres. In the referred specimen AMNH 3076 these proportions are less extreme, measuring 395 by 220 millimetre. According to Carpenter, the greater width was due to crushing. The study by Burns concluded that Denversaurus was different from Edmontonia but similar to Panoplosaurus in having inflated, convex, cranial sculpturing with visible sulci, or troughs, between individual top skull armour elements, but is distinct from Panoplosaurus in having a relatively wider snout.

The armour was primarily for defence against theropods like Tyrannosaurus and Dakotaraptor,‭ ‬which would have only been able to bite down from above. The spikes would've made it difficult to get close without a carnivore impaling its snout,‭ ‬and the sacral armour prevented a bite to the sacrum that could have paralysed Denversaurus.‭ ‬If the tail was also a defensive weapon,‭ ‬the sacral armour would have helped to prevent a predator from disabling its defence.

In Saurian[]

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Adult male Triceratops alongside a Denversaurus

Denversaurus is currently in the game as an AI. It is portrayed with thick armor and osteoderms. Its' color is purple with white stripes and a yellow underbelly for display. It was once considered as one of the playable bonus animals, but lost after a poll revealed the preference of Ankylosaurus to the fans. Denversaurus was the least voted herbivore, right before Anatosaurus and Ankylosaurus. Currently, Denversaurus does not display sexual dimorphism or ontogenic stages.

Dakotaraptor gameplay[]

It is a medium-sized herbivore that generally ignores the player, as a Dakotaraptor, but if it feels threatened and in danger by the player, it will swing its spiky tail, that can kill the player. Due to the armour, Denversaurus is a hard animal to take down. It is not recommended to attack one of these armored beasts, but it does have its weak point, aiming it's throat is the best option. RPR is also not recommended, as you do little damage while mounted on it.

Triceratops gameplay[]

Denversaurus, being herbivorous animals, won't see Triceratops as a threat and will have a peaceful coexistence with them. The only instances where it might feel threatened is if it is trampled by one. Due to its armored skin and heavy nature, they are extremelly hard to kill as immature Triceratops, but it is easier for adult ones.

