Saurian Wikia

"Champsosaurus (Crocodile Saurian) is extremely similar to crocodilians in body form and behaviour. However, this animal is not a crocodilian, but a member of a far more ancient brand of reptile that has left no living relatives. Though less common in the study area than the crocodilians proper, Champsosaurus are still ubiquitous throughout the waterways, snatching fish with their long, thin snouts. Although their group is now entirely gone, this animal did survive the great extinction and right through into the Eocene, some 64 mya."

― Saurian encyclopedia

Champsosaurus was a choristoderan that lived from the Late Cretaceous to the Paleocene-Eocene in what is now North America and Europe.

It normally grew to about 1.50 m (5 ft) long, though the Paleocene C. gigas, the largest species, reached 3-3.5 m (10–12 ft), which seems to have been around the specific size the Hell Creek species could also reach.

Champsosaurus vaguely resembled a gharial and, like gharials, it was primarily aquatic, catching fish with its long, tooth-lined jaws. It probably swam with lateral body movements, pinning its limbs against its body to increase streamlining, just like crocodiles and the marine iguana. It was so specialised to life in the water that it is sometimes thought only females could come ashore to lay eggs, while males could not move on land at all.

Behind the eyes, Champsosaurus's skull was very wide, where powerful jaw muscles were attached.

Its fossils have been found in North America (Alberta, Saskatchewan, Montana, New Mexico, Texas, and Wyoming) and Europe (Belgium and France), dating from the Upper Cretaceous to the mid Eocene. Possible Champsosaurus teeth have been found in East Timor, making them exceptional in being among the only gondwanan and australasian choristoderes known.

In Saurian[]


Young Dakotaraptor looking at a standing Champsosaurus in the water.

Champsosaurus is in Saurian, as an AI. It is portrayed with a rubbery-looking skin and small spines. Its color is olive green with white spots and a white underbelly to match its habitat. Because the Champsosaurus is mainly a piscivore, not hunting large animals, such as dinosaurs, with such frequency, it is not a stupendously dangerous predator. Champsosaurus are strictly aquatic animals, being incapable of walking onto land. Currently, Champsosaurus display no sexual dimorphism or ontogenic stages.

Dakotaraptor gameplay[]

An adult Dakotaraptor will have no big problem in taking one down, but being an aquatic animal, it is to note dead Champsosaurus will mainly stick to the water. Champsosaurus weak bite doesn't make this animal more dangerous than crocodylomorphs, but it still chases the player often, and can still deliver a good amount of damage if the player decides to swim on its waters. As a hatchling and juvenile, Champsosaurus are best to be avoided, as they are dangerous predators.

Triceratops gameplay[]

Champsosaurus are dangerous predators for uncautious hatchling Triceratops that find themselves swimming in choristoderan waters. However, starting from the juvenile stage, they are less dangerous, and even if they attack you, you may have the protection of the herd at your disposal. Subadult and adult Triceratops barely see this animal as a threat.

