Saurian Wikia
Saurian Wikia

"A rarer occupant of marine environment is the large sawfish Ischyrhiza."

Saurian: A Field Guide to Hell Creek

Ischyrhiza is an extinct genus of sclerorhynchiform, an extinct ray that evolved convergently to the sawfish, that lived in the Late Cretaceous and putatively survived into the Late Paleocene-Early Eocene (though those might be misdated or misclassified). It has been found in North America, Asia, Africa and South America, and possibly inhabited the freshwater and saltwater waterways that once bathed the modern Hell Creek Formation. Typically, the face of Ischyrhiza sports a large rostrum filled with sharp transverse teeth, that resembles a saw. This "saw" is filled with electrorreceptors that detect its prey's elctromagnetic field. In case Ischyrhiza wants to immobilize a prey or defend itself from predators it swings its head to hit it with the sharp teeth it has on the sides of the rostrum.

In Saurian[]

There are no known plans for the inclusion of the Ischyrhiza into the game, although it is in Hell Creek: A Field Guide to the World of Saurian.
