Saurian Wikia
Saurian Wikia

"The most abundant fossil fern spores in Hell Creek belong to the royal fern family Osmundaceae. The modern cinnamon fern Osmundastrum is a very close relative of this species. Like Osmundastrum, these large herbs grow colonially in swampy environments. Some osmundaceae are among the most nutritious ferns for herbivores to consume."

― Saurian encylopedia

Osmunda is known as a member of the royal fern family, which includes some modern-day species, like the cinnamon fern (Osmundastrum cinnamomeum). Ferns of this family are among the largest of ferns.

In Saurian[]

Osmunda is a nutritious edible plant for Triceratops.


Adult male and female Osmundaceae, alongside adult Zingiberopsis and a large species of Equisetum


Swamp undergrowth and debris, with Osmundaceae, Equisetum and Symplocarpus.


Osmunda sp.

Osmundaceae New

New Osmundaceae model
