Saurian Wikia
Saurian Wikia

Symplocarpus is a plant of the arum family (Araceae). It is found in the modern times in North America and eastern Asia. It has large leaves and deep root systems, that allow the plant to change its level alongside the ground. Their leaves release a foul odor when crushed. Tentative representatives of this genus in Hell Creek are probably not true members of this genus, however, and may instead represent stem members of the Orontioideae subfamily.

In Saurian[]

Symplocarpus is present in Saurian. It is not an edible plant for Triceratops. It is also one of the few in-game plants that do not appear in the game's encyclopedia.


Swamp undergrowth and debris, with OsmundaceaeEquisetum and Symplocarpus.


Updated models of Symplocarpus alongside Cannabaceae and other herbaceous plants.


Updated models of Symplocarpus alongside Cannabaceae, Blechnaceae, Equisetum, Humulus, Gleicheniaceae and other herbaceous plants.
