Saurian Wikia
Saurian Wikia

"Body fossils of true ferns are not common in Hell Creek, but their presence is heavily stated by the fossils of their spores. Relatives of modern chain ferns Blechnaceae are a notable component of the ground flora in forested areas. Low browsing herbivores are fond of these as well, their soft fronds in particular are sought after by ankylosaurs."

― Saurian encylopedia

Woodwardia is a genus of ferns from the Blechnaceae family, and are commonly known as chain ferns, and are still found today. The genus inhabits warm temperate and subtropical climates of the northern hemisphere, today, and have fronds that grow from 50 to 300 cm, depending on the species. Fern fossils tentatively assigned to Woodwardia fossils are probably basal members of the Woodwardioidean subfamily, rather than proper representatives of the modern genus. Its believed to have been edible plants for a myriad of Hell Creek herbivorous dinosaurs, specially Ankylosaurus and Denversaurus.

In Saurian[]

Woodwardia is an edible plant for Triceratops.


Woodwardia sp. growing alongside Sequoia dakotensis, while a Denversaurus passes by

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Woodwardia sp. with Sequoia dakotensisDenversaurus and Pectinodon.

Woodwardia Neww

New Woodwardia model
